
Aging with Pride: IDEA. IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) is a first-of its kind, free  program utilizing evidence-based problem-solving, low-impact exercise, and tools of health coaching for empowering older adults with memory loss AND their care partners (friend, partner, spouse or other who assists them.) to improve their well-being and health. Either the person with memory loss or the care partner needs to be LBGTQ and they (the two of them) will receive a total of $125 for their time.
The Coach connects with the participants using a very easy VIDEO CHAT process; the program includes 9 virtual sessions with a coach over 6 weeks, with 5 phone interviews over 13 weeks.
CONTACT THE PROGRAM AT 1-888-655-6646 or ageIDEA@uw.edu
Note: The project is being conducted in Seattle, San Francisco and  Los Angeles and our partners include GenPRIDE, Openhouse, Family Caregiver Alliance, and LA LGBT Center.




Puget Sound Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (PSOLOC) coordinates an Oral History Project. Volunteers are always welcome.