We are proud of the depth and broad range of speakers and topics we offer in our monthly meetings. Experience and expertise shared in our Network strengthens our efforts.


We've hosted Marsha Botzer more than once.


Ann McGettigan, former director of the Seattle Counseling Service, taught us about Overcoming Depression in LGBTQ+ Community Post Pandemic.


We were pleased to host Bonnie Bizzell, Community Engagement Liaison and Program Manager, Honoring Choices Pacific NorthWest, on 9/27/2019.

"a joint initiative between the Washington State Hospital Association and Washington State Medical Association.

We inspire conversations about the care people want at the end of life. This comprehensive initiative uses a variety of approaches, such as an advance care planning program, community engagement, physician education, advocacy, and a central repository. 

 We help the public make informed choices about end-of-life care.  We help health care organizations and community groups discuss, record and honor people’s end-of-life choices. 

 We are a philanthropic endeavor so all who want to participate can."


Johnnie Hawkins
Legal Administrative Specialist
LGBTQ Veteran Coordinator
Seattle VA Regional Office
915 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA 98174
spoke about current benefits available to (LGBTQ) veterans on Friday March 23, 2018.


Puget Sound Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (PSOLOC) have contributed to numerous books and maintain an oral history project. Please go to their website for details.


February 26, 2016
Allena Gabosch, Sex-Positive Speaker, Author, Coach and Activist, spoke on "Sexuality and Our Seniors." She pointed to the Sexual Expression Policy" formulated by the Hebrew Home at Riverdale as a model for senior housing providers to follow.


Here is a further sample of the speakers we bring to our monthly meetings:

Bonnie Bizzell, Community Engagement Liaison and Program Manager, Honoring Choices Pacific NorthWest

Marsha Botzer, Botzer Consulting, Transgender Issues

Debbie Carlsen, LGBTQ Allyship, The Intergenerational Project

Jamie Clausen, Phinney Estate Law, Same-Sex Marriage Laws in the State of Washington

Simon Ellis, Cedar River Clinics, Medical Care for the LGBTQ Community

Lauren Glickman, Foray Consulting and Associates, Resiliency, Trauma Exposure Response, and Self-Care within Mission-Driven, Emotionally-Intense Professions

David Haack, Living Care Lifestyles, Long-Term Care Marketing to the LGBT Community in Washington State

Andrea Lahr, MSW, University of Washington, Caring for Partners: An LGBT Study

Leanne Plancic, AXA Advisors, Financial Planning for Same-Sex Couples

Ruben Rivera-Jackman, SHAG (Sustainable Housing for Ageless Generations), Cultural Competency Training

Kathleen Sullivan, Executive Director, Generations with Pride

Karin Taifour, Aging Care Consultation Services, "Help and Resources for Dementia Caregivers"

Aganita Varkentine and Margaret Purcell, Puget Sound Old Lesbians Organizing for Change
(PSOLOC), presenting "Our Stories."

Brady Walkinshaw, candidate for 2016 Congress in the 7th District.

Nancy Werner, Transitional Marketing Services, discussing "Marketing Your LGBTQ-Inclusive Quality."

Katie Bernstein, NW Elder Law Group

Marsha Botzer, Founder, Ingersoll Gender Center, sharing "A Personal Life of Transgender History."

Margaret Boyle, Boyle Martin PLC, concerning "LGBT Employment Law.

Pam Ellison, Wealth Advisor; Lee-Norah Sanzo, Sr. Fiduciary Specialist, Life Management Services Group, Wells Fargo Investment & Fiduciary Services; Kate Thayer, Fiduciary Advisory Specialist, Wells Fargo Bank on “Planning for Incapacity."

Kristen Holladay, Lead Chicken Soap Brigade Advocate for the Lifelong AIDS Alliance, presenting the Brigade and its services.

Mitchell C. Hunter, Seattle LGBT Commission of the Mayor's Office on "Transgender Issues in Seattle"

Liz Illg, Outreach Coordinator, introducing Generations Aging with Pride

Pramila Jayapal, US Congressional Representative, 7th District, 2017 - .

Sarah Jen, MSW, PhD, School of Social WorkUniversity of Washington"Bisexual 101: Definitions, Stereotypes, Recent Research, and Practice Suggestions for Interacting with Your Bisexual Clients."

Denise Klein, Executive Director, Wider Horizons, "Elder-Friendly Communities without Walls."

Kirk Larson, Western Washington Public Affairs Specialist, "Navigating the Social Security Administration."

Nancy Niedzielski, End of Life Washington, concerning the Washington Death with Dignity Act (RCW 70.245)